Do you know much about security systems? You need to educate yourself so you want to find the ideal home security system. This is a costly outlay that can greatly enhance your home’s safety, so make sure to read on and learn.
Place the spare key that you make on your dog. However, this method is only effective if your dog is large, scary, and stays outdoors. Just hide a spare house key on the inside of your dog’s collar. Then when you need an extra key, you will be able to access this one.
Spare Key
Change all of your locks when you move in. You don’t know how many keys have been handed out previously. To make sure no one else can get into your home, call a locksmith. This is also the thing to do if you lose the keys.
Your dog can actually safeguard a spare key for you. This can be done if you have a dog door or an outdoor dog. You can purchase a special collar that will hold your spare key, so it is always handy.
Good home security systems sound a loud alarm when breached, and that’s not all. They often even alert you to any time a door is opened. This is important if you have small kids.
Home security systems offer other triggering features along with an alarm that goes off during a break-in. Most of them can be set to sound an alert when anyone enters the home. This is great for parents with small children as they are made aware their kids open or close doors.
Do not be reluctant to meet your neighbors. Get to know other people who live next door and others in your neighborhood. Watch their homes and ask them if they’ll watch yours as well. Never neglect gossip. You may find out helpful information about strangers lurking around.
Turn the ringer off on all your telephone if you are going to be away. A phone which rings forever is a sign to burglars that you are not home and could increase the chances of you getting robbed.
Put motion sensor lights around your house. These lights will come on if someone walks near your home. You will be alerted when there is activity outside, and any potential burglars will be deterred because they do not want to be seen. Replace bulbs regularly and check the sensors once a month.
Never allow a stranger inside. Even if this stranger has a believable story or is trying to sell you something, they need assistance or want to sell you something.This is the joint to see if there is home secure.
Go with your gut when choosing a home security company to install a system. If you are hesitant about the company, your gut feeling is especially important. Don’t hesitate to request a different technician or to hire a new company altogether. You want your new system to protect you, not be the way the thief gets into your home.
Keeping your car in your house will prevent people from stealing or vandalizing or stealing it. This will also keep people from home.
Walls are a good place to hide things. If you own small valuables that require protection, try hiding them in the walls. Use an old switch plate, outlet or phone jack. You can also just put in a false plate to cover a hiding place.
Put motion-sensor lights around your home. These kinds of lights will come on when they detect motion near your home. Make sure you regularly change the light bulbs in your motion activated lights so that they continue to work correctly.
Use your walls as hiding spaces. It’s not necessary to cut out parts of your wall to do this. Take a closer look at your walls and note just how many access points there are already. Unused electrical sockets can be great for hiding expensive jewelry.
Make sure that none of your valuables can be seen from the home. Large windows let in a lot of light, but keep in mind that potential intruders will be tempted if they can see your valuables.
If you move to a place that was occupied before, you should change the locks right away. Although the previous owner should not have a key, there is no way for you to know this. This will help safeguard that there is no one else with your key.
Entry Points
If you’re hiring a company for home security, be sure to read any fine print before you sign that contract. There are early termination fees, and there may be fees for extra equipment procured in the future. You are going to want to avoid these kinds of hidden fees, so know about them up front.
When you choose an alarm system, you should select a system that protects more than simply the doors of your home. All of your windows can be entry points for thieves. You want to be sure that monitors all your windows and entry points. This is vital to keeping the family secure.
You should not enter your home if you find the door ajar. Your home and the area surrounding it may still be in danger. Go to a neighbor’s or another safe area and call the police.
Having these boxes around for a while will let thieves know the type of items that are inside your house.
If you lose your house keys often, you might want to install a keyless entry system. There are locks that use a code for entry, rather than a key. They are fairly simple to install, or if you don’t feel comfortable doing so yourself, you can ask your home security company about it.
It is easy for potential thieves to pretend to be company reps in order to gain access to your home. This is dangerous for your possessions and possessions in danger. Be careful if you let into your home.
Ask your security company about the lengths of contract they offer. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. While your monthly rates may be lower with a lengthy contract, you have no recourse should you list your home for sale or terminate your contract. A shorter term allows for flexibility, but it might be expensive.
If you plan to go away and have asked someone to get the mail, have them double check your front door for fliers. Burglars often put fliers on the door to see if anyone is home to remove them.
Don’t get spring latch locks. These locks are easy to pick, and it can be done with an ordinary credit card. This isn’t a difficult maneuver either. If your doors sport spring latch locks, add deadbolts to beef up security.
The best way to keep a thief from going into the garage is making sure nobody can see inside. Don’t leave your front door unlocked or standing open when working in the garage or yard.
An automatic device can control your lights, turning them on and off at the time you set. This can simplify your life, but it also makes your home appear lived in if you are away.
Spring Latch Locks

Motion sensitive lighting can be provided by your security company. This will illuminate the exterior of your home anytime someone approaches. This can give you a heads up if a robbery was about to happen.
Don’t get spring latch locks installed. These locks are very easy to pick by simply using a credit card. Intruders just have to slide a credit card in between the latch and the lock to pop open. Add a deadbolt if you do not want to replace your spring latch locks for maximum security.
It can be tough to provide the proper level of security in a home equipped with sliding glass doors. Unlocking them is done simply by shaking and lifting the handle. You should install a security system on your sliding glass door or place a pipe segment to fill the door channel. This prevents the door from being opened.
Keep curtains pulled tight when you are away from home. Intruders can look into your home if they are up. You ought to turn the curtains down if you are sleeping.
Also, keep your second floor windows locked at all times. A lot of people forget to lock the windows on the second floor, but intruders will use these windows. Yes, burglars will go up there. This is a common weak spot in most people’s home security, and thieves are very aware of this.
Hard-wired home security systems can be a sound choice. It can also be very costly to replace batteries.
Women are targets for thieves, especially those with kids. Consider putting some large, dirty boots on your porch so that it looks like the man of the house is home. This will give criminals second thoughts and make your home a less tempting target.
This helps the lights stay on and off when you can’t be at home.
It is important that you do not leave any wiring exposed outside of your house. Electrical wiring and wiring components contain valuable copper which can be sold by enterprising criminals. Keeping your wires hidden prevents the thieves from seeing them and wanting to take them.
Solid Wood
No matter how great the previous residents were in your home, re-key the lock or have it replaced. Whether you are renting or buying, this is a matter of concern. If renting, ask the landlord to change the locks. You might need to do this yourself or hire a professional to do it.
Replace your doors with solid wood or metal versions.Metal and solid wood doors hold tight and fast. A burglar is very unlikely to be able to kick that door in. The cost of replacing your doors is very minimal if they were to break.
The home security company you choose should offer more than just systems. Home security companies that come to your house and make an attempt to ensure your safety are the best. These ideas may include installing additional locks, trimming bushes or installing windows that are more secure. This comprehensive solution will help keep robbers at bay by limiting their access to your home.
Ask your security company you hire whether they offer motion sensitive lighting. This further protects you from having unwanted guests enter the premises and can be a great burglar deterrent.
Be sure to secure your window air conditioners with screws or by placing bars over them. An intruder will be able to slide out the air conditioner and enter your home if it is not secured. You can remove them in winter for additional security.
Sliding patio doors can be a security problem in many homes. They can be easily opened if someone lifts and then shaking them. This keeps the door wedged closed so that it is harder to force open.
Your home’s security depends on how secure your trash is. If you have expensive electronics, thieves can see the electronic boxes that sit in front of the house and they may plan on returning to steal them. Even a simple appliance may be enough to entice a thief.
Being friendly will make them more likely to alert you great security.
Outdoor lights are great for improving security, but the concept can be taken a step further with lights equipped with motion sensors. They turn on when there is motion nearby. This will deter most burglars. She or he has been seen, and they will flee.
Don’t let your children leave toys in use. This makes it fairly obvious that women live in the house. Homes with women are usually targeted more attractive targets because they probably have pricy jewelry inside.
Always change your locks on a new home. This is true of rentals and homes you buy, so make sure you hire someone to help, or you can just do it on your own.
Your garbage needs to be as secure as your trash is. If you have expensive electronics, a thief will key in on these boxes in front of your home and plan on coming back to steal them. Even a simple appliance can signal intruders that you’ve got money and that you’re a thief.
You can now buy outdoor lighting that includes infrared detection. These lights will turn on when someone is within a certain distance from your house. This is a burglar run for it. A smart burglar will instantly turn away if lights come on.
Advertise the fact that your home is equipped with an alarm system. Window stickers and signs will deter intruders. If they learn about the alarm once they break in, they can still get something and flee.
Now that you’ve reached the end of this article, you should feel confident that you can make your home a secure one. When you know more, the more likely you are to make a smart choice when deciding security issues. Keep the information above close as you consider the options.