Home security has become a big market. Burglaries are commonplace in all areas of the country. Burglars usually target homes that seem relaxed with their security. Read this article to learn how to get your home safer and keep intruders away.
Any time you buy a new home, have the locks changed. This is because you really have no idea who has keys, and therefore access to your home. To ensure that you are the only one who has access to your house, call a locksmith. This is also a good idea in the event that you misplace your keys.
Your dog can keep your spare key. This will only be ideal if your dog can come outside. You could simply put a key onto your dog’s collar, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.
Home security systems do more than sounding an alarm in case of a break in. Many systems can be used to go off whenever anyone enters your home. Parents of children can track their kids this way.
Home security systems have additional features besides loud alarms during a break-in. Most systems could sound an alarm when anyone enters the home. This is great for parents that have small children as they are made aware their child has opened or close doors.
Buy a safe and use it to hold all of the valuables in your home. You need this because you would not want burglars to see these valuable items around in your house. Keep your safe in your basement or attic to make it hard to find.
Don’t post information about an upcoming vacation anywhere on social media.Although you may want to let others in on your excitement, posting it online makes it more possible for criminals to find out when you’re gone.
Check around for prices, reputation, and reliability when choosing a home security provider. Most companies have different price schemes for the the same general level of protection. Get three quotes or more before making a choice.
Ask your friends for some advice before you choose a home security system or company. Your loved ones likely have gone through both bad and good experiences and they will be able to share them with you. Ask a better choice.
If you have a lot of unfamiliar people on you social networking accounts, avoid letting everyone know you will be going on vacation. Although your first instinct is to share the news about an upcoming trip that excites you, the info may well fall into the hands of people who’d be interested in burglarizing your home while you’re away.
You should never want to open your door to a stranger without proper identification. People try many ways to trick others into letting them in so that they can steal from them. Make a habit to only open your home’s door to people you were expecting.
Get advice from your friends before selecting a provider for home security. Knowledge of first-hand experiences can be very helpful to you when it comes to making this important decision. Ask a number of people to get a several different opinions.
There is a way to prevent burglars going into their home through an attached garage. You can use a C-clamp to secure the door from being opened.
Do not allow anyone you do not know into your home. Do not give in, even if a person uses a convincing story, asks for help or says they are selling something. There are some people who will just come in to see if you have a home security system, and if you do not, they could come back later when you are not home.
See what your local police department has any home protection programs. They may offer neighborhood watch programs, engraving tool loans, and other guidance about securing your house. Call and inquire as to what is available.
Don’t forget to secure your skylights too. As nice as they look, they’re a prime target for thieves. Keep them secure with heavy duty hardware that closes them off to potential thieves.
Regardless of the type of home security system you choose, you need to check it annually. Get a professional in to check it. You may not know there’s an issue if they aren’t easily sighted.
Don’t put spare keys inside plant boxes or beneath the welcome mat. While you may feel that you are keeping yourself safe by allowing a way in for yourself, you are also allowing everyone else to visit whenever they want. Intruders know about the usual hiding spots. Rather, give your key to a neighbor you find trustworthy.
Put motion sensor lights around your home. These lights will come on if someone walks too closely to your home. Make sure you keep fresh light bulbs to ensure they continue to work correctly.
Replace all locks in a new house. While the person you bought the home from may seem on the up and up, you have no idea who they really are. You should also keep in mind that other people may have lived in the home before the previous homeowner.
Walls are great hiding spot. You can hide small valuables within your walls.You can use phone jacks or other device that is not being used.You can easily install fake plate if there aren’t any unused plates.
If you come home and see your door ajar, never investigate it alone. This can be a dangerous scenario, as the criminal might still be present. Instead, wait outside until the police come, after calling them on your cell phone.
Door Frame
A wireless security system for your home is a great option. Wired systems may be cheaper, however it usually means you’ll have to rewire your home, and your system may get finicky in the event of a power outage. A wireless system is easy to install, and will not become inoperable if your power goes out.
Replace rotten wood surrounding your door frame that is rotting. An intruder can simply pry away that rotted wood easily to open the door. Replace the rotting door frame with fresh new wood to keep your home much safer.
Keeping thieves from the contents of your garage can be as simple as making sure they can’t easily look inside. Use a frosted film to cover the windows. This can be purchased at many hardware stores. It’s also a good idea to avoid leaving your garage door open for any longer than absolutely necessary, even if you’re at home.

Flashlights are key because they allow you move around if an emergency should arise. Teach everyone in your children how to properly use flashlights.
A dog is an excellent burglary deterrent system. They are protective about their territory, plus they make noises that keep burglars at bay. You don’t even need a huge, vicious dog. Even tinier canines can ward off intruders with enough noise.
It is very common for thieves to present themselves as representatives of a company in order to get into your home. This is dangerous for both your valuables and your valuables. Be careful with who you let into your home.
Ask about the different contract durations that a security company can offer you. They all likely have different benefits and downsides. Long contracts may cost less each month, but it could leave you with a larger bill if you decide to end your service. Shorter contracts mean more freedom along with higher costs.
Use the Internet when you are seeking a reliable home security company. After that, you can then take the next step by contacting each one.
Avoid keeping auto registration in your glove compartment. If someone accesses these documents, they can determine your address. You should keep them on your person, or find another place in your vehicle to hide them. They have to be available if the cops pull you over.
The areas outside your house should be kept well lit. Burglars like the cover of darkness to commit their criminal activities. Install lights so you can use to enter your home. This means by the garage, porches, and windows on ground floors which may invite intruders.
Set up a timer to turn your lights off and on at regular intervals. The automatic timer will keep the lights going on and off on schedule, so a thief will not be able to tell when you are away. Even when you are at home, the timer is convenient because it saves you from having to remember to turn on the lights.
You need a good home security system.You can have great home security by putting in cameras whether they’re concealed or out in the open. Visible cameras deter many intruders, and should they decide to disable them, a camera that is hidden will keep capturing footage. A lot of surveillance systems may be accessed through a cell phone, giving you the chance to check it even when you’re away.
Devote extra security to your irreplaceable possessions. Items like passports, family photos, financial records, expensive jewelry and legal documents are best kept in a secure location. Floor safes make for great places to hide such items. For added safety, place them in a safety deposit box at your bank.
Ask the security company about various contract lengths they provide to their customers. There are of course pros and cons in each contract. Longer contracts may create a lower bill per month, but you may not be able to get out of the contract if you need to. Shorter contracts mean more freedom at a higher costs.
If you have windows into your living room that open to the street, always draw your curtains in the evening. You never want to make it easy for folks to peer into your home. If criminals can clearly view what’s going on in your house, it makes it easier for them to commit crimes. Make sure you’re discreet concerning your belongings so you can keep your chances of being robbed at a minimum.
Do not use spring latches.These locks are easy to pick with something as common as a credit card. Intruders can pick these locks by wedging a card in between the latch and the door.Add a deadbolt if you do not want to replace your spring latch locks for maximum security.
Though it is often good to avoid neighborhood gossips, make sure you are friendly with those in your area. Your neighbors will probably notice people lurking near your house when you are gone. If you are friendly with them, it increases the chances of them alerting you right away.
Keep your curtains pulled tight when you aren’t at home. Intruders can look into your house if the blinds are left up. You should keep them drawn while you are asleep.
Do not allow rooms in your home to be visible while looking from outside. If you can see a big screen tv or computer from outside your home, a thief can see it too. Have blinds or drapes up so your possessions are not visible from the outside. If you cannot do this, keep valuable things in other rooms.
See if the security firm offers lighting that is motion-sensitive.This provides added security when you from having unwanted guests enter your home.
Choose a reliable security company that goes further than selling a product. Rather than giving you a basic system, they will evaluate your unique situation and tailor something to you. These might include adding extra locks, trimming back bushes or installing more secure windows. You should ensure your company has your security in mind. If they truly care about it, then they will talk to you about these things.
Sliding doors present a security issue. They can be unlocked by lifting them and then shaking them. This will ensure the door closed tight and harder to force open.
A stranger in need of help is not always a welcome visitor at the front door. In all too many cases, this scenario has led to a home invasion by a duplicitous criminal who is only looking to get easy access. If someone tells you they need help, offer to make a call for them while the door remains closed. Call the cops if you don’t know what you should do.
You must always make sure your second story windows are locked. Many people overlook this since they don’t think criminals will not bother with those windows. This is not always the truth. This is the weak point of home security and criminal generally know about.
If you have a home alarm system, make sure that intruders know too. Put up window decals and yard signs, and make sure your burglar alarm is noisy. This will help prevent burglars from ever entering your house. If burglars don’t know you have an alarm system until they are inside, they will still likely attempt to steal a few items before taking off.
The best locks you can get are deadbolts that include captive keylock. These devices include a thumb latch so that no one can reach around and opening the lock through a nearby broken window. When at home, keep the key inserted inside the lock so you can leave if there is a fire.
Do not keep the code on a electronic garage door opener. It’s standard code is the same for all units, so your door may be opened by other opening devices. Thieves can walk around trying openers until they are able to open around a door.
The security of your home is essential for you and for your family’s safety. No one ever expects crime to strike home. Remember these tips and create a home security system. Don’t wait. Act now before tragedy strikes.
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